Miscellaneous The course of the Transat 6.50 race follows the route of great geographical discoveries across Atlantic Ocean. | |

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Do they sail for the trophy?
There are no money to be won in Transat 650 Race. The sailors can win only material prize, which would be useful in later sailing, e.g. equipment for the boat.
Things which are not normally done on crewed yachts
When sailing single-handed upwind and you want to set another foresail e.g. reacher, sail off the wind in order to prepare everything in more favourable conditions. You lose distance to other competitors but can save some energy doing it this way.
Another ingenious thing is throwing the spinnaker's halyard over the stern before collapsing it. It slows the boat a little but the halyard definitely won't tangle and the spinnaker comes down with some resistance (it won't fall into the water completely and it won't sweep behind the stern).
Teardrop of Ireland
The Fastnet rock Lighthouse off the coast of West Cork is the most important landfall off the Irish Coast. Its Gaelic name "Carrig Aonar" (lonely rock) is significant, for a lonelier place than the Fastnet would be difficult to imagine. It gained for itself the name "Teardrop of Ireland" because it was the last bit of Ireland seen by immigrants on their journey to America.
Up to this day the Fastnet rock Lighthouse fascinates and attracts sailors. It is the place where one of the most popular regatta, the Fastnet race, is held. The Mini Class race is organized here as well.